1. Java EE Essentials
- What is Java EE ?
- Mulititier Architecture
- Vendor Independence
- Scalability
- Features and concepts in Java EE
- Sample Java EE Architecture
2. Getting Started
- Installing JBoss
- Testing the JBoss Installation
- Compiling and Deploying a JSP Page
3. JavaServer Pages
- Introduction to JSP
- JSP Elements
- Creating and Deploying a JSP Web Application
- Using Implicit Objects
- Translation and Compilation
- Handling Errors and Exceptions
- Including and Forwading from JSP Pages
4. Advanced JSP Topics
- Expression Language
- Custom Actions and Tag Handlers
- JSP Standard Tag Library (JSTL)
5. JavaServer Faces
- Introduction to JSF
- Installing JSF
- Using JSF with JSP Pages
- Using Managed Beans
- Controlling Page Navigation
- Accessing Context Data in Beans
- Converting Data
- Validating Input
- Using Message Bundles
6. Servlets
- HTTP and Server Programs
- The Servlet Model and HttpServlets
- Exception Handling
- Session Management
- Fliters
- The MVC Architecture
7. Working with Database
- Connecting to Database
- Handling Exceptions
- Logging with a DataSource
- Creating and Using Statement Objects
- Using the ResultSet Class
8. Advanced Topics in JDBC
- Prepared Statements
- Callable Statements
- Transactions
- Locking and Isolation
9. EJB Fundamentals and Session Beans
- Understanding EJBs
- The Anatomy of a Session Bean
- Developing Session Beans
10 EJB Entity Beans
- How Entity Beans Work with Session Beans
- The Anatomy of an Entity Bean
- Developing CMP Entity Beans
- Developing BMP Entity Beans
- The EJB Query Language
11. EJB Relationships, EJB QL, and JDBC
- Entity Bean Relationships
- Container-Managed Relationships and EJB QL
- JDBC with EJB Entity Beans
12. Design Patterns and EJB
- Better by Design
- Applying Design Patterns
- Using JSP and Servlets with EJBs
13. Message-Driven Beans
- Message-Driven Beans Overview
- Java Message Service API
- EJB Timer Service
- Using MDBs, JMS, and the EJB Timer Service
14. Web Services and JAX-WS
- Understanding Web Services
- Developing a Web Services in Java
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