Planning and Maintaining a Microsoft Windows Server 2003 Network Infrastructure(MCP 70-293) Exam Preparation

1. Planning and Implementing Server Roles and Server Security
- Configure security for servers that are assigned specific roles
- Plan a secure baseline installation
- Plan security for servers that are assigned specific roles. Roles might include domain controllers, Web servers, database servers, and mail servers
- Evaluate and select the operating system to install on computers in an enterprise

2. Planning, Implementing, and Maintaining a Network Infrastructure
- Plan a TCP/IP network infrastructure strategy
- Plan an Internet connectivity strategy
- Plan network traffic monitoring. Tools might include Network Monitor and System Monitor
- Troubleshoot connectivity to the Internet
- Troubleshoot TCP/IP addressing
- Plan a host name resolution strategy
- Plan a NetBIOS name resolution strategy
- Troubleshoot host name resolution

3. Planning, Implementing, and Maintaining Routing and Remote Access
- Plan a routing strategy
- Plan security for remote access users
- Implement secure access between private networks
- Troubleshoot TCP/IP routing. Tools might include the route, tracert, ping, pathping, and netsh commands and Network Monitor

4. Planning, Implementing, and Maintaining Server Availability
- Plan services for high availability
- Identify system bottlenecks, including memory, processor, disk, and network related bottlenecks
- Implement a cluster server
- Manage Network Load Balancing. Tools might include the Network Load Balancing Monitor Microsoft Management Console (MMC) snap- in and the WLBS cluster control utility
- Plan a backup and recovery strategy

5. Planning and Maintaining Network Security
- Configure network protocol security
- Configure security for data transmission
- Plan for network protocol security
- Plan secure network administration methods
- Plan security for wireless networks
- Plan security for data transmission
- - Troubleshoot security for data transmission. Tools might include the IP Security Monitor MMC snap- in and the Resultant Set of Policy (RSoP) MMC snap- in

6. Planning, Implementing, and Maintaining Security Infrastructure
- Configure Active Directory directory service for certificate publication
- Plan a public key infrastructure (PKI) that uses Certificate Services
- Plan a framework for planning and implementing security
- Plan a security update infrastructure. Tools might include Microsoft Baseline Security Analyzer and Microsoft Software Update Services

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Ika Atman Satya. Berpengalaman lebih dari 12 tahun mengelola infrastruktur jaringan di LIPI Pusat dan daerah, saat ini sebagai Trainer dan Konsultan dibeberapa instansi dan perusahaan baik pemerintah maupun swasta di Jakarta. Telah memiliki sertifikasi internasional yaitu CCNA (Cisco Certified Network Asociate), MCP (Microsoft Certified Professional), MCSE (Microsoft Certified System Engineer) dan MCSA (Microsoft Certified System Administrator).